Life with Robin, England 2003-2004
It is impossible to tell Robin\’s story without telling some of my own, for from the first day we met online in the Summer of 1999, our lives were forever intertwined. By 2003, I had become what in common parlance is known as a Whistleblower. I was fighting a national Government, a major global corporation and all their dark tribunes, yet amid that maelstrom Robin came to join me. I have never known anyone more loyal and fearless. Robin always described this as \”The Best Christmas EVER!\” And indeed it was for the both of us. Below is a poem Robin wrote for us about that time.
London Streets
My Waterborne, my water bearer
My very own Poseidon
Shall my Archer loose the arrow?
Will your water quench my fire?
Hunger pulls the magic
Once tasted now always starving
Your breath on my skin
Your bite on my parting
The shudder, the rhythm
Again and again
Evening breezes frame a sighing moon
Like a voyeur studying my secrets
Heels click the sidewalk while peaceful darkness surrounds
We are lost on London streets, yet together we are found